
The association begun as East Africa Dental Association and was changed to Kenya Dental Association on 28th November 1960. It was founded with the objective of promoting the advancement of dental Practice in Kenya. It has also acted as a as a welfare organ for dental practitioners as well as one of the key promoters of oral health awareness in the country.

Organisation structure

Strategic Priorities and Objectives

KDA Membership

To retain the current membership while growing the membership by a minimum of 40 new members annually.

Strategic Objective 1
  • Complete the database of all current and potential members
  • Annual Membership subscriptions to be mailed by end of November of every year.
  • Prepare a monthly membership drive schedule and implement it.
  • Have a personal follow-up and quarterly branch visits by the NEC & NGC.
  • Review & reinvigorate membership benefits.
  • Develop an engaging and robust program for all members.
  • Develop a comprehensive mechanism to increase member’s participation in KDA’s activities.

Financial Stewardship

To be good steward of the Associations Funds by complying with all the statutory requirements.

Strategic Objective 2
  • Initiate the association’s budgeting cycle effective 2019.
  • Initiate and empower NGC’s Investment committee.
  • Ensure Financial Statutory compliance.
  • Explore and implement branch funding matrix to enable them run with their own cash flows.

Governance and Leadership

To promote an efficient and effective governance and administration system that provides transformational and accountable Leadership and governance to the Association.

Strategic Objective 3
  • Implement the Association’s reviewed Constitution.
  • Establish and implement a monitoring and Evaluation team at the NGC level to oversee the implementation of the strategic plan.
  • Empower NGC on Professional Corporate Governance practices.
  • Annually Conduct a Risk, Legal and compliance audit.

Continuous Professional Development

To promote a body of Oral Health professionals.

Strategic Objective 4
  • Roll out at least two (2) continuous professional training monthly
  • Leveraging on technology to deliver e-learning
  • Publishing of a quarterly professional magazine
  • Delivery of one scientific conference annually
  • Quarterly hands-on training session

Community outreach and Oral health awareness

To create Oral Health awareness while giving back to the communities.

Strategic Objective 5
  • Increasing the number of formally employed (white color) dentists in Kenya
  • Establishment of a partnership policy
  • Community partnership framework
  • Design and distribution of Oral Health Promotional materials
  • KDA’s outreach program calendar
  • Corporate social Responsibility

Advocacy for quality affordable oral health care

To develop and implement a professional proactive and reactive agenda or response to matters of oral health in Kenya.

Strategic Objective 6
  • Establishment of a NGC team for Advocacy
  • Establishment of a framework for public advocacy

Promotion of Dentistry as a career

To Promote, support and encourage dentistry as a professional career in Kenya.

Strategic Objective 7
  • Career talks to schools to promote Dentistry as a career
  • Introduction of short courses focusing on soft skill, life skills & business skills
  • Mentorship programs